德国见闻84weipingdong blog 牛奶厂
德国见闻84 weipingdong blog (牛奶场厂)在德国走在路上可以看见牛奶厂,说起来人们可能不信,这牛奶厂是一个绿色牛奶厂吗?可是当你走在德国的路上看到大片的牧场就会明白,这的确是一些绿色牛奶厂……你看这厂子像个工厂吗?跟个星级hotel 差不多,如果女儿不告诉我这是牛奶厂,我真的不知道这是些什么建筑跟罐子……
look at german
in germany can see the milk factory in the road, said people may not believe,is this milk factory a green milk factory?but when you walk down the road in germany, you see a big ranch and you'll see that it's really a green milk factory. do you think this facto