tone road and the houses along the street are old.
在德国我看见一个刚建好的hotel 这个建筑我看见的时候有点纳闷,为何这个建筑不是正南正北的,而是有点斜,我奇怪的问xiaofan为何这房子要这样盖?xiapfan也说不知道,后来我们走过去看了才明白了,这里的路在一个转弯处,为了让房子的门正朝着路,于是房子转了方向,在德国你看到这样的事情一点不奇怪,哪怕一棵树先存在,路也要绕过去……
in germany i saw a newly built hotel building and i was wondering when i saw this building, why the building was not due north, but a little oblique.i wonder why this house should be built like this?xiapfan also said that we did not know, and then we went over to se